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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Chapter 1: Purpose of This Document (continued)


Table 1.5 M and F Spectrum Accumulator (MFSA) summary


Ch #
Midpoint Energy(2)
1 14.9
2 18.0
3 21.8
4 26.5
5 32.7
6 39.7
7 47.2
8 57.3
9 68.9
10 83.2
11 102.3
12 124.6
13 149.2
14 181.7
15 220.0
16 264.9
17 323.1
18 393.4
19 477.4
20 584.7
21 709.3
22 856.3
23 1040.
24 1264.
25 1506.
26 1833.
27 2214.
28 2688.
29 3259.
30 3934.
31 4683.
32 5532.


Notes for Table 1.5:
1. This calibration applies to the M, M', F, and F' detectors.
2. Energy is as deposited in the subject detector (rather than incident).
3. These channels are formed by the HISCALE data system by time-sharing the pulse height analyzer. Anti-coincidence is used to identify these as stopped particles.


Table 1.6 Common HISCALE prefixes and suffixes


UAVyyddd.LAN Contains hourly averaged data located in spin group 1 only.
UAFyddd.LAN Contains hourly averaged data located in spin group 1 only. QCA procedure has been applied.
CMPyyddd.LAN Compressed version of the UAV files. Data is in all 10 spin groups.
CUAFyyddd.LAN Compressed version of the UAF files. Data is in all 10 spin groups. Files contain 1 year of data.
UAV1Dyyddd.LAN Daily average data from the ULA files. Data in spin group 1 only.
UAF6Hyyddd.LAN Six hour averaged data from the ULA files. Data in spin group 1 only.
CMP1Dyyddd.LAN Compressed daily averaged data from the ULA files. Data in all 10 spin groups.
CMP6Hyyddd.LAN Compressed 6 hour averages of the ULA files. Data in all 10 spin groups



Next: Chapter 2: HISCALE Data File Descriptions and Overview


Return to Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook Table of Contents

Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane