Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook
Appendix 10. Effect of Backscattered Electrons on the Geometric Factors of the LEMS30 Telescope (Hong MS Thesis)
* * * FACTORD * ****************************************************************************** * This program is to calculate the geometric factor of the results * * which are recorded in the files whose names are in filename.dat. * * * ****************************************************************************** program factorD
implicit none
real*8 G,theta,omega,G2,omega2,AREA4,AREA5,AREA6,temp2,temp3 real*8 area(13),AREA1,AREA2,AREA3,TEMP,TEMP1,delth,delphi integer int,n,npas,i,j,energy character*15 fname(13) parameter (delth = .0349066,delphi = .0872664) PARAMETER(AREA1=.050903,AREA2=.050903,AREA3=.0381934) parameter(Area4=.101806,AREA5=.101806,area6=.0763869) data area(1)/area6/,area(2)/area5/,area(3)/area6/,area(4)/area6/ data area(5)/area4/,area(6)/area4/,area(7)/area4/,area(8)/area6/ data area(9)/area2/,area(10)/area1/,area(11)/area1/ data area(12)/area1/,area(13)/area2/
G = 0. G2 = 0. open(unit=2,file='filename.dat',ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',status='old') read(2,*)energy C C Readin the filenames of the output files C do i=1,13 read(2,20)Fname(i) end do close(2)
do i=1,13 open (unit=1,status='old',access='sequential',file=FNAME(i)) read (1,*) read (1,*) npas read (1,*) OMEGA2=0. omega = 0. do j=1,npas
C Readin the data in the .E..in file where theta is theta, Temp1 C phi, Temp is sin of incidence angle, Temp2 is the number C of the polygon which the electron hits. if temp2=0 it is C a non-scattering escape, otherwise it is backscattered before C it escapes.
read (1,10) theta,TEMP1,TEMP,temp2
IF (TEMP2.EQ.0.0) THEN theta=theta*.0174533 omega = omega + delth*delphi*sin(theta + delth/2) C write (6,*) 'omega',omega ELSE if (temp2.ne.49.0) then theta=theta*.0174533 omega2 = omega2 + delth*delphi*sin(theta + delth/2) c write (6,*) 'omega',omega endif ENDIF
end do G = G + area(i)*omegA G2=G2+AREA(i)*OMEGA2 close (1) enddo
WRITE (6,*) 'G =',G !geometric of non-scattering WRITE (6,*) 'G2 =',G2 !geometric of backscattering electrons write (6,*) G+G2 !geometric factor including scattering 10 FORMAT(4(X,F7.2)) 20 Format(a) END
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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane
ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power
supply, and various others provided its instruments.
Mission End Date: June 30, 2009
Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane
Orbit: Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane
Mission End Date: June 30, 2009
Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane
Orbit: Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane