Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook
Appendix 10. Effect of Backscattered Electrons on the Geometric Factors of the LEMS30 Telescope (Hong MS Thesis)
* *
* This program is to generate a com file to run TRAJ3PT to get the *
* trajectories of those escaped electrons. The com file is named E<>.com *
* *
program gcom
implicit none
real*8 theta,phi,temp,energy,temp1,temp2 real*8 theta1(500),phi1(500) integer npas,i,j,k character*30 fname(67),filen
open(unit=2,file='filename.dat',ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',status='old') read(2,*)energy temp=energy/1000 do i=1,66 read(2,20)Fname(i) C write(5,*)Fname(i) end do read(2,20)filen close(2) open(unit=3,file=filen,access='sequential',status='new') write(3,100)'$set def [hong.cassini.traj]'
do i=1,1 open (unit=1,status='old',access='sequential',file=FNAME(i)) read (1,*) read (1,*) npas read (1,*) write (6,*) npas
c write(3,*)npas
do j=1,npas C C Readin the data in the .E..in file where theta is theta, phi is C azimuthal angle, temp2 is sin of the incidence angle, temp1 is the number of C of polygon. If temp1=0 the electron escape the open aperture without C any impact with the wall of the telescope, otherwise it is backscattered . C
read (1,10) theta,phi,temp2,temp1
theta=theta+.0001 temp2=theta+1 if (temp1.eq.0.0) then k=k+1 theta1(k)=theta phi1(k)=phi end if end do c write(3,*)k do j=1,k write(3,100)'$run traj3pt' write(3,*)'0' write(3,*)'coordc.dat' write(3,*)'coeffc.dat' if (i.eq.1) then write(3,*) '0.02395,0.0144, -0.0020' else if (i.eq.2) then write(3,*) '0.02395,0.0144,-0.0012' else if (i.eq.3) then write(3,*)'0.02395, 0.0144,-0.0004' else if (i.eq.4) then write(3,*)'0.02395, 0.0144, 0.0004' else if (i.eq.5) then write(3,*) '0.02395, 0.0144, 0.0012' else if (i.eq.6) then write(3,*) '0.02395, 0.0144, 0.0020' else if (i.eq.7) then write(3,*)'0.02545, 0.0144, -0.0020' else if (i.eq.8) then write(3,*)'0.02545,0.0144,-0.0012' else if (i.eq.9) then write(3,*) '0.02545, 0.0144,-0.0004' else if (i.eq.10) then write(3,*)'0.02545, 0.0144, 0.0004' else if (i.eq.11) then write(3,*)'0.02545,0.0144,0.0012' else if (i.eq.12) then write(3,*)'0.02545, 0.0144,0.0020' else if (i.eq.13) then write(3,*)'0.02695, 0.0124, -0.0020' end if write(3,*)'0' write(3,*)'1' if (energy.le.100) then write(3,*)'.0005' write(3,*)'.00005' else write(3,*)'.00001' write(3,*)'.000001' end if write(3,*)temp write(3,*)theta1(j),'1,2' write(3,*)phi1(j),'1,2' end do close (1) end do
write(6,*)k close(3) 10 FORMAT(4(X,F7.2)) 20 Format(a) 30 format(i5,(x,F7.2)) 100 format(a) END
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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane
ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power
supply, and various others provided its instruments.
Mission End Date: June 30, 2009
Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane
Orbit: Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane
Mission End Date: June 30, 2009
Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane
Orbit: Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane