Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook
Appendix 11. HISCALE IDL Display System (IDL_HS)
A11.2 Part Two - Reference (continued)
A11.2.3 Common Blocks (continued)
Universal Blocks
common bg_para, bg_present, f1_bgc, f2_bgc,
m1_bgc, m2_bgc, d_bgc, $
w_bgc, z_bgc, s_bgc, bgc_time, f1_bgcd, f2_bgcd, $
m1_bgcd, m2_bgcd, d_bgcd, w_bgcd, z_bgcd, s_bgcd, $
bgc_timed, bg_thresh
bg_present | integer | scalar | Whether the IDF.DAT file has backgrounds. |
f1_bgc | float | array | LEFS60 background. |
f2_bgc | float | array | LEFS150 background. |
m1_bgc | float | array | LEMS120 background. |
m2_bgc | float | array | LEMS30 background. |
d_bgc | float | array | WART-B (DE) background. |
w_bgc | float | array | CA background. |
z_bgc | float | array | WART-D background. |
s_bgc | float | array | singles background. |
bgc_time | int | array | Changeover time. |
f1_bgcd | float | array | Default LEFS60 background. |
f2_bgcd | float | array | Default LEFS150 background. |
m1_bgcd | float | array | Default LEMS120 background. |
m2_bgcd | float | array | Default LEMS30 background. |
d_bgcd | float | array | Default WART-B (DE) background. |
w_bgcd | float | array | Default CA background. |
z_bgcd | float | array | Default WART-D background. |
s_bgcd | float | array | Default singles background. |
bgc_timed | int | array | Default Changeover time. |
bg_thresh | float | scalar | Threshold for cutting points |
common colour_tab, red, gre, blu
red | byte | array(16) | Red component of first 16 colours. |
gre | byte | array(16) | Green component of first 16 colours. |
blu | byte | array(16) | Blue component of first 16 colours. |
common dcs, size_factor
size_factor | float | scalar | Factor by which to scale text size. |
The scaling factor is set to a value less than 1 when the default text size would give less than 80 characters on a line.
common directories, dir, pldir
dir | string | scalar | Directory with the ULA data. |
pldir | string | scalar | The directory to hold any plot output files. |
The names of the directories to be used by all routines.
common energy_para, ef1, ef1_lo, ef1_hi, geo_f1,
ef2, ef2_lo, ef2_hi, geo_f2, $
em1, em1_lo, em1_hi, geo_m1, em2, em2_lo, em2_hi,
geo_m2, $
ed, ed_lo, ed_hi, geo_d, $
ew, ew_lo, ew_hi, geo_w, ez, ez_lo, geo_z
ef1 | float | array(7) | Nominal energies of LEFS60 channels. |
ef1_lo | float | array(7) | Lower energy limits of LEFS60 channels. |
ef1_hi | float | array(7) | Upper energy limits of LEFS60 channels. |
geo_f1 | float | array(7) | Geometry factors of LEFS60 channels. |
ef2 | float | array(7) | Nominal energies of LEFS150 channels. |
ef2_lo | float | array(7) | Lower energy limits of LEFS150 channels. |
ef2_hi | float | array(7) | Upper energy limits of LEFS150 channels. |
geo_f2 | float | array(7) | Geometry factors of LEFS150 channels. |
em1 | float | array(8) | Nominal energies of LEMS120 channels. |
em1_lo | float | array(8) | Lower energy limits of LEMS120 channels. |
em1_hi | float | array(8) | Upper energy limits of LEMS120 channels. |
geo_m1 | float | array(8) | Geometry factors of LEMS120 channels. |
em2 | float | array(8) | Nominal energies of LEMS30 channels. |
em2_lo | float | array(8) | Lower energy limits of LEMS30 channels. |
em2_hi | float | array(8) | Upper energy limits of LEMS30 channels. |
geo_m2 | float | array(8) | Geometry factors of LEMS30 channels. |
ed | float | array(4) | Nominal energies of deflected electrons. |
ed_lo | float | array(4) | Lower energy limits of deflected electrons. |
ed_hi | float | array(4) | Upper energy limits of deflected electrons. |
geo_d | float | array(4) | Geometry factors of deflected electrons. |
ew | float | array(8) | Nominal energies of composition channels. |
ew_lo | float | array(8) | Lower energy limits of composition channels. |
ew_hi | float | array(8) | Upper energy limits of composition channels. |
geo_w | float | array(8) | Geometry factors of composition channels. |
ez | float | array(4) | Nominal energies of Z channels. |
ez_lo | float | array(4) | Lower energy limits of Z channels. |
geo_z | float | array(4) | Geometry factors of Z channels. |
These energy and geometry data are read from the IDF.DAT file by the initialization procedure.
common File_info, arc_used, archive, arc_prefix,
arc_suffix, $
arc_resolution, arc_duration, arc_comp
arc_used | int | scalar | Does the current data type use this information? |
archive | int | scalar | Code number of archive type. |
arc_prefix | string | scalar | Part of filename before date. |
arc_suffix | string | scalar | part of filename after date. |
arc_resolution | float | scalar | time-resolution of data. |
arc_duration | float | scalar | How much data per file. |
arc_comp | int | scalar | 1 or 10 values / record. |
Properties of the currently selected rates-data archive type.
common hsio_entry, shlib, entry
shlib | string | scalar | The name of the shareable library for hsio. |
entry | string | array(9) | The entry names for all the hsio routines. |
common Make_fname_cmn, files, old_dir, old_arc, old_extn
files | string | array | List of files matching the type template. |
old_dir | string | scalar | Directory in which search was made. |
old_arc | string | scalar | Filename prefix of last search. |
old_extn | string | scalar | Filename suffix of last search. |
The characteristics of the last filename search.
common path_dirs, root_dir, lib_dir, data_dir
root_dir | string | scalar | Base directory of the environment. |
lib_dir | string | scalar | Directory with shareable libraries. |
data_dir | string | scalar | Directory with static data (e.g., IDF, colours). |
This block has been much reduced by the use of the +<dir> form of the IDL_PATH variable.
common plot_reg, plot_zone
plot_zone | structure | scalar | Description of the region to use for plotting {corner:fltarr(2), size:fltarr(2)} |
This block is used to pass the region to use for plotting between the setup procedure SET_REGION and the main programs.
common plot_settings, sx, sy, ps_col, orient,
pldname, hard, wdev, $
coltab, bg, plotfile, pstex, windex,
need_new_window, devname, $
px, py, char_sizes, teku
sx | integer | scalar | Number of pixels in X dimension of window. |
sy | integer | scalar | Number of pixels in Y dimension of window. |
ps_col | integer | scalar | Use colour for PostScript or not. |
orient | integer | scalar | Landscape or portrait mode for hard copy. |
pldname | string | scalar | Device or pseudo device name for plotting. |
hard | integer | scalar | Is the device a hard copy device? |
wdev | integer | scalar | Is the device a windowing device? |
coltab | integer | scalar | Are colour tables in use? |
bg | string | scalar | White or Black background. |
plotfile | string | scalar | Name of file for plot output. |
pstex | integer | scalar | Whether PS plots are for TeX inclusion. |
windex | integer | scalar | Index of the window for the plot. |
need_new_window | integer | scalar | Do we need to create a new window? |
devname | string | scalar | The true IDL device name (cf. pldname) |
px | float | scalar | X size of paper in cm |
py | float | scalar | Y size of paper in cm |
char_sizes | integer | scalar | Which character size option to use |
teku | long | scalar | Unit for Tektronix (or LN03) file. |
Miscellaneous plot settings which need to be remembered and possibly saved.
common spool_action, spool_cmd
spool_cmd | string | scalar | The OS command to spool a hardcopy plot. |
common time_limits, tstart, tstop, y0, d0, hstart
tstart | integer | array(4) | Start time requested (y, d, h, m). |
tstop | integer | array(4) | Stop time requested (y, d, h, m). |
y0 | integer | scalar | Year of actual start. |
d0 | integer | scalar | Day of actual start. |
hstart | float | scalar | Hours of start after 1990 day 318 00:00UT. |
The times in this block are the times entered to start and end the plot, and also the actual times read from the data for the first accumulated rate.
common Trans_stack, ptfm, xtfm, ytfm, istime, ctfm
ptfm | structure | array | Saved !P system variables |
xtfm | structure | array | Saved !X system variables |
ytfm | structure | array | Saved !Y system variables |
istime | int | array | Does the plot have a time X-axis |
ctfm | int | scalar | The currently selected transform. |
A stack of the plot transforms, used by the markpos procedure to convert locations to device coordinates when there are multiple plots on the page.
common versions, history, vers_no, idf_vers, mm_action
history | string | array(10) | The history field of the first record read. |
vers_no | float | scalar | The version number of the data file extracted from the above. |
idf_vers | float | scalar | The version of the {tt IDF.DAT} file in use. |
mm_action | int | scalar | Action to take on file version mismatch. |
Used to check that all the files read have the same versions.
common wid_fonts, tiny_v, small_v, normal_v,
large_v, $
tiny_f, small_f, normal_f
tiny_v | string | scalar | Tiny variable width font (usually Helvetica-10) |
small_v | string | scalar | Small variable font (usually Helvetica 12) |
normal_v | string | scalar | Normal size variable font (usually Helvetica-14) |
large_v | string | scalar | Large variable font(usually Helvetica bold 18) |
tiny_f | string | scalar | Tiny fixed width font (usually courier-10) |
small_f | string | scalar | Small fixed-width font (usually courier-12) |
normal_f | string | scalar | Normal-sized fixed-width font (usually courier-14) |
common wid_set, wid_exit, wid_mode, wid_dev,
topbase, screen_size, $
wid_exit | int | scalar | If set, exit from IDL on exit from top menu. |
wid_mode | int | scalar | Whether running widget or line mode. |
wid_dev | string | scalar | The plot device on which the widgets are running. |
topbase | long | scalar | The widget ID of the top-level menu. |
screen_size | int | array(2) | The dimensions of the screen in pixels. |
wid_version | structure | scalar | The version of the widget system (from WIDGET\_INFO). |
This block controls the interaction of IDL and the top-level of the HISCALE widget interface.
Next: Blocks for PLOT RATES
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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane
Mission End Date: June 30, 2009
Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane
Orbit: Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane