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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 11. HISCALE IDL Display System (IDL_HS)


A11.2 Part Two - Reference (continued)


A11.2.3 Common Blocks (continued)




Common raw_ephem, sc_r, sc_th, ep_t, n_ep


sc_r float array Heliocentric distance values.
sc_th float array Heliograpic latitudes.
ep_t float array Times of the above values (in HS time notation).
n_ep long scalar Maximum subscript in the above arrays.


The ephemeris data as read in from the data files (allows faster interpolation for averaging).




common sect_list, sect_num


sect_num integer array(variable) The sector number to be plotted


Allows the correct sector numbers to be put on plots when a list of sectors is selected for replotting.




common settings, nchan, merge, log, scale, nsect, cadence, layout, $
aver, flux, coverage, nover, desc, offsets, ebars, gaps, $
bg_subtract, avsect_show, plot_against,dist_log, updown, use_frame


nchan integer array(2,nover) Location of the channels in the data structure.
merge integer scalar Average sector or not.
log integer scalar Log or linear plots.
scale integer scalar Scaling options.
nsect integer array(nover) Number of sectors to plot
cadence integer array(nover) Number of spin groups per value.
layout integer array(3) No of columns, rows and colours in plot.
aver float scalar Averaging interval.
flux integer scalar rates, flux, omni-flux or spectralexponents.
coverage integer scalar Full, simultaneous or both accumulations.
nover integer scalar How many channels on each plot?
desc string scalar Description of the data to be plotted.
offsets integer array(?) Offset scaling factors for multiplots.
ebars integer scalar Whether to plot error bars.
gaps integer scalar Whether to leave gaps or to plot sloping lines for data gaps.
bg_subtract integer Scalar Whether to subtract backgrounds.
avsect_show integer scalar Whether to add averages to sectored plots.
plot_against integer scalar Which parameter to use as X-axis.
dist_log integer scalar Whether to use log or linear distance plot.
updown integer scalar Whether to swpa colours on direction reversals.
use_frame integer scalar Whether to add frames & titles to plot page.


General purpose settings for PLOT_RATES.




common track_bins, minbin, maxbin, trkmap


maxbin int array(12) Highest bin present for each species.
trkmap int array Wart channels present in each bin.


The channel limits for each species in the track-rates plots.




common trk_energies, ntrk_chan, trk_lo, trk_hi, trk_geo


ntrk_chan int scalar Number of track channels.
trk_lo float array Lower energy limits.
trk_hi float array Upper energy limits.
trk_geo float scalar Geometry factor.



Next: Blocks for PLOT_CDF


Return to Appendix 11 Table of Contents

Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane