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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 11. HISCALE IDL Display System (IDL_HS)


A11.2 Part Two - Reference (continued)


A11.2.3 Common Blocks (continued)


Blocks for PLOT_PAD


These common blocks are used only by PLOT_PAD.




common accumbuf, accum8, accumt8, accum4, accumt4, magf, tmagf, tcol, ncol


accum8 float array Accumulated 8-sector rates.
accumt8 float array Totalled 8-sector rates.
accum4 float array Accumulated 4-sector rates.
accumt4 float array Totalled 4-sector rates.
magf float array Accumulated magnetic field.
tmagf float array Totalled magnetic field.
tcol float array Start time of columns.
ncol int scalar Total number of columns.




common chansets, npages, nrows, ychan, ichan, isect, idet, det8, det4, lookon


npages int scalar Maximum number of pages to a format.
nrows int scalar Maximum number of rows to a page.
ychan string array Names of the channels in each row.
ichan int array Numbers of the channels in each row.
isect int array Number of sectors in each channel.
idet int array Detector head for each channel.
det8 float array Direction of each 8-sectored head.
det4 float array Direction of each 4-sectored head.
lookon int array Whether a given plot is look or pad.




common frampar, xorig, yorig, xstep, ystep, sectlab, pad_ch_s


xorig float scalar Normalized x-coordinate of lower left of plots.
yorig float scalar Normalized y-coordinate of lower left of plots.
xstep float scalar Normalized x-size of a plot.
ystep float scalar Normalized y-size of a plot.
sectlab string array(8,2) The character used to label the sectors.
pad_ch_s float scalar The base character size to use in PAD plots.




common pad_flags, pad_replot_ok, pad_flux_done, pad_pad_ok, pad_bg_flag


pad_replot_ok int scalar Is it O.K. to plot without reading data?
pad_flux_done int scalar Have the data been converted to flux?
pad_pad_ok int scalar Were there any field data?
pad_bg_flag int scalar Have backgrounds been subtracted from these PAD plots?




common pad_names, r8channel, r4channel, r8det, r4det


r8channel string array The names of the 8-sector channels.
r4channel string array The names of the 4-sector channels.
r8det string array The names of the 8-sector detector heads.
r4det string array The names of the 4-sector detector heads.




common pad_sect_orient, sect_8, sect_4, t_sect, sect_b, tb_look, $
r8theta, r8phi, r4theta, r4phi, btheta, bphi, b_magnitude, $
sc_rtn, ttrans


sect_8 float array Look directions of sectors of 8-sectored heads.
sect_4 float array Look directions of sectors for 4-sectored heads.
t_sect float scalar Accumulation time for averaging the above.
sect_b float array Direction of magnetic field.
tb_look float scalar Accumulation time for averaging above.
r8theta float array Accumulated theta angles of 8-sectored heads.
r8phi float array Accumulated phi angles of 8-sectored heads.
r4theta float array Accumulated theta angles for 4-sectored heads.
r4phi float array Accumulated phi angles for 4-sectored heads.
btheta float array Accumulated theta angles for field.
bphi float array Accumulated phi angles for field.
b_magnitude float array Accumulated field magnitude.
sc_rtn float array Accumulated RTN transform, for flow look plots.
ttrans float scalar Accumulation for above, to form average.




common pad_set, spinint, pad_flux_count, layout_pad, chan_file, $
pad_want_flow, flow_theta, flow_phi, joinup, flow_speed, $
pad_ang, pad_xlevel, pad_every, pad_use_sym


spinint int scalar Number of spins over which to average.
pad_flux_count int scalar Whether to plot flux or count rates.
layout_pad int array(3) Layout specification of plots.
chan_file string scalar File with channel specifications.
pad_want_flow int scalar Pitch angle or flow angle plots?
flow_theta float scalar The theta value of the flow direction.
flow_phi float scalar The phi value of the flow direction.
joinup long scalar How to connect points in plot.
flow_speed float scalar Assumed speed for flow, for look plot headers.
pad_ang int scalar Plot against angles or cos(angle).
pad_xlevel int scalar Level for x-ray exclusion.
pad_every int scalar use only every (pad_every)th plot.
pad_use_sym int scalar Whether to plot symbols.



Next: Blocks for PLOT_MAG


Return to Appendix 11 Table of Contents

Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane