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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 11. HISCALE IDL Display System (IDL_HS)


A11.2 Part Two - Reference (continued)


A11.2.3 Common Blocks (continued)


Blocks for PLOT_UDS


The common blocks described below are used only by PLOT_UDS.




common Cospin_pars, cos_tele, cos_files, cos_badval, cos_at_ch, $
cos_at_se, cos_at_fl, cos_het_ch, cos_het_se, cos_het_fl, $
cos_ket_ch, cos_ket_se, cos_ket_fl, cos_let_ch, cos_let_se, $
cos_let_fl, cos_hft_ch, cos_hft_se, cos_hft_fl


cos_tele string array Names of Cospin telescopes.
cos_files string array Filenames for these telescopes.
cos_badval float array Bad data values for Cospin UDS.
cos_at_ch string array Names of AT channels.
cos_at_se int array Number of sectors of AT channels.
cos_at_fl string array Count rate or flux for AT channels.
cos_het_ch string array Names of HET channels.
cos_het_se int array Number of sectors of HET channels.
cos_het_fl string array Count rate or flux for HET channels.
cos_ket_ch string array Names of KET channels.
cos_ket_se int array Number of sectors of KET channels.
cos_ket_fl string array Count rate or flux for KET channels.
os_let_ch string array Names of LET channels.
cos_let_se int array Number of sectors of LET channels.
cos_let_fl string array Count rate or flux for LET channels.
cos_hft_ch string array Names of HFT channels.
cos_hft_se int array Number of sectors of HFT channels.
cos_hft_fl string array Count rate or flux for HFT channels.


Parameters for COSPIN UDS channels.




common Epacs_pars, epac_files, epac_badval, epac_ch, epac_se


epac_files string scalar name of EPACS uds files.
epac_badval float scalar Bad data value in EPACS UDS.
epac_ch string array EPACS UDS channel names.
epac_se integer array Number of sectors in EPACS channels.


Properties of EPACS UDS channels.




common Hiscale_pars, his_tele, his_files, his_badval, his_lem_ch, his_lem_se, $
his_lef_ch, his_lef_se, his_ion_ch, his_ion_se, his_sc8_ch, $
his_sc8_se, his_sc4_ch, his_sc4_se, his_cht, his_fn


his_tele string array Names of HISCALE telescope types.
his_files string array Names of UDS files for HISCALE telescopes.
his_badval string array HISCALE UDS bad data values.
his_lem_ch string array Names of LEMS channels in Hiscale UDS.
his_lem_se int scalar Number of sectors per channel in LEMS.
his_lef_ch string array Names of LEFS channels in Hiscale UDS.
his_lef_se int scalar Number of sectors per channel in LEFS.
his_ion_ch string array Names of WART channels in Hiscale UDS.
his_ion_se int scalar Number of sectors per channel in WART.
his_sc8_ch string array Names of 8-SECT channels in Hiscale UDS.
his_sc8_se int scalar Number of sectors per channel in 8-SECT.
his_sc4_ch string array Names of 4-SECT channels in Hiscale UDS.
his_sc4_se int scalar Number of sectors per channel in 4-SECT.
his_cht string array Generic channel prefixes.
his_fn int array Which telescope they belong to.


HISCALE UDS parameters.




common Swics_pars, swic_files, swic_badval, swic_ch, swic_fl


swic_files string scalar Names for swics UDS files.
swic_badval float scalar Bad-data value for SWICS UDS.
swic_ch string array Names of SWIC UDS channels.
swic_fl int array Code for SWICS channels units.


SWICS UDS channel parameters.




common Swoops_pars, swoop_files, swoop_badval, swoop_ion_ch, $
swoop_ion_units, swoop_ion_log, swoop_ele_ch, swoop_ele_units, $


swoop_files string array Names for SWOOPS UDS files.
swoop_badval float array Bad data values for SWOOPS UDS.
swoop_ion_ch string array SWOOPS uds ion channels.
swoop_ion_units string array units for above.
swoop_ion_log byte array Can the above be plotted in log format?
swoop_ele_ch string array SWOOPS uds electron channels.
swoop_ele_units string array units for above.
swoop_ele_log byte array Can the above be plotted in log format?


Channel parameters for SWOOPS UDS.




common uds_arrays, udsrates, udstimes, udsndata


udsrates float array UDS accumulated rates (etc.).
udstimes float array time for UDS rates.
udsndata long array Max subscript for each channel.


The actual UDS data which has been read.




common Uds_chans, udsnames, udsrecs, udsindex, udslog, udsunits, $
udsdur, udsbad, udssect


udsnames string array Names of the selected UDS channels.
udsrecs string array names of files for the above.
udsindex int array location of channels in the record.
udslog byte array Whether log or linear plot is wanted.
udsunits string array Units of UDS channels.
udsdur float array Duration of UDS record for the channels.
udsbad float array Bad data value for the channels.
udssect int scalar How many sectors.


Properties of the requested channels.




common Uds_flags, uds_replot_ok, uds_arrays_made


uds_replot_ok int scalar Do we need to read data?
uds_arrays_made int scalar Have the Data arrays been made?


Safety interlock flags for UDS plots.



Next: The Private Widget Blocks


Return to Appendix 11 Table of Contents

Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane