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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 5. Running the LAN Production




Document revision 8/20/85


A5.2.1 Overview


Program ARCDUMP reads and displays information from LAN Archive tapes (or disk files). 'Dump' or 'Summary' display modes can be selected by the operator. 'Dump' decodes and displays the contents of one Archive record. 'Summary' displays a line of information extracted from the Archive header of each record on the tape. Typically 'Summary' must be run first to find the record number of the desired record to 'Dump'.

The program can read from disk as well as tape. To do this, it asks the operator if a disk or tape file will be read. For a tape file, simple tape reads can be used, but this does not work for a disk file because Archive files contain variable length records. So for a disk file, the Archive header is read first, which is then used to determine the length of the rest of the record based on the record type.

Output can be redirected to a file which can be printed for hardcopy output as follows:


%print ADOUT
%del ADOUT

Note 'del' is aliased to 'rm' in the .login file for account ispm.)





Programming Level


Files needed to create ARCDUMP are :


arcdump.f ARCDUMP program
util.f Misc utilities and system dependent routines
/usr1/dwc/lib/mtio Library containing UCB/SSL UNIX implementation of VAXMT tape I/O routine
param.inc File parameters (constants)
units.inc File names
archdr.inc Archive record header definition
ratblk.inc Rate block record definition
mfsablk.inc MFSA block record definition
phablk.inc PHA block record definition
Makefile Input file to UNIX 'make' utility to produce ARCGEN production programs.


Files needed to run ARCDUMP are :


Input tape or file, specified by operator


Routines in arcdump.f:


1. program arcdump


Interacts with user to select input file and Dump or Summary mode.


2. subroutine summ( input, md )


This routine makes the summary display. 'input' is the input file name, and 'md' is the disk/tape mode.


3. subroutine dump( input, md )


This routine gets the requested record. It the calls 'dhdr' to print the Archive record header, and one of 'drate', 'dmfsa', 'dpha', or 'dtlr' to print the data. 'input' and 'md' are as for 'summ' above.


4. subroutine dhdr( buf, nx, type )


This routine displays the Archive header contained in 'buf'. It also determines the record type 'type'.'nx' is the record size, which is also displayed.


5. subroutine drate( buf )


This routine displays the data in rate block 'buf'.


6. subroutine drh( rechd )


This routine displays the pitch angle and orientation information in the rate block header.


7. subroutine dmfsa( buf )


This routine displays the data in the MFSA block 'buf'.


8. subroutine dpha( buf )


This routine displays the data in the PHA block 'buf'.


9. subroutine dtlr( buf )


This routine displays the data in the Archive file trailer 'buf'.


10. subroutine hexout( i )


This routine displays an I*4 word 'i' in hexidecimal (least significant byte first).


11. subroutine hexoutb( i )


This routine displays the least significant byte of 'i' in hexidecimal.


12. subroutine readlan( input, buf, nx, err, md )


This routine reads an Archive record from file named 'input' into array 'buf'. 'nx' is the number of bytes read, 'err' returns -1 on an I/O error, and 'md' indicates if the file 'input' is a disk or tape file.


Routines in util.f:


See ARCGEN description.


Routines in mtio:


See ARCGEN description.



Next: A5.3 ARCLOG


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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane