Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook
Appendix 5. Running the LAN Production
Document revision 8/20/85
General: The program STATMRG merges status temporary files into the status database. It must be run every time a status temporary is created, which is every time the ARCGEN program is run. (Note: one can re-run STATMRG without problem. Re-merging STAT.TMP will not change the database.)
STATMRG reads the temporary file and the database file, comparing each record using its spacecraft clock value. It writes a merged file which is time ordered and has all overlap times removed.
STATMRG prints out a status listing of the status data base. This details the total amount of storage required by the database as well as indicates its start and end times.
For example:
% statmrg
Status File Merge Program ver 7-12-85
There are 32 status records available.
They total 0.88 Kbytes of storage.
The data base starts 1984/326 19:47:43
and ends 1984/326 22:31:59
Programming Level
Files needed to create STATMRG are as follows:
statmrg.f | STATMRG main program |
statblk.inc | Status record definition |
Makefile | Input file to UNIX 'make' utility to produce ARCGEN production programs |
Files needed to run STATMRG are
STAT.TMP | A temporary file produced by ARCGEN |
STATLOG.DAT | The status database file |
Routines in statmrg.f:
1. Program statmrg
The main program section for STATMRG does the following:
a) Sequentially reads both the STAT.TMP file and the
b) It writes out to a temporary file whichever is earlier;
in the case of equal records it writes out the information
read from STAT.TMP replacing that which is in the database.
c) Finally, it copies the information back from the
temporary into the STATLOG.DAT file.
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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane
Mission End Date: June 30, 2009
Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane
Orbit: Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane