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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 9  Geometric Factor Study for the Deflected and Unscattered Electrons of HISCALE (Buckley MS Thesis)



Much of what is stated in this section is for the benefit of the person needing to adapt this method to another deflection system.  Below is a brief outline of things that must be done in order to do this simulation.


A9.12.1 Software Overview


All the pertinent software needed in this simulation is reproduced in Shodhan's thesis, and a copy of program modifications is located at the end of this thesis.  There are basically three groups of software that one must keep track of:


  • Trajectory software
  • Magnetic field model software
  • Graphics software


The goal of the trajectory software is to find npas, the number of trajectories that make it out of the sensor system.  The main program here is called TRAJ6PT; most all pertinent input variables are defined in the header of this program.  Supporting programs include:  CHECHITSEN1. FDMOD1, TDHPCG, TIMER, TRACKSUB5, and TRAJRT2BDET5.  These 7 programs must all be compiled and linked together in order for the program to execute.  Various changes must be made to certain programs to fit your instrument that will be discussed later.


The magnetic field software can be used to determine a model for the magnetic field given calibration data such as that of Kohl.  The main program here is DMAIN1.  Other necessary programs available in the software package are DMAINTESTIN1, FDMOD1, and PLOTR4MYY1; each of these will need some modification.  In order for the main program to run, you will also need some plotting software that is hopefully tied into your main computer system.  These include NCAR1 and NCAR2 libraries, a KUTOOLS library, the BELLPORT library, and also a graphics library entitled PLOTPKG/LIB.  A link command will be provided later on.


Lastly, there are a number of graphics programs that have been included; most are of the NCAR type.  Included in this group is a slight alteration of the main trajectory program, labeled TRAJ2PT.  This modification of the group 1 programs is primarily designed to allow the user to make trajectory plots such as those shown in Section A9.9.


A9.12.2  Geometry


The first step here is to obtain mechanical drawings of the deflection system, as well as specifications on the detector area and location.  Next, establish a coordinate system consistent with that of Shodhan's; this makes the software adaptation much easier.  Break the deflection system up into plane polygons, and establish coordinates for all of the vertices by using the mechanical drawings.  Create a file, labeled COORD.DAT, and type the coordinates in the following format:


Number of vertices in each plane
Listing of vertices (x,y,z) - one per line - in units of inches


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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane