Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook
Appendix 9 Geometric Factor Study for the Deflected and Unscattered Electrons of HISCALE (Buckley MS Thesis)
A9.13 Appendix: Computer Programs
******************************************************************************* * DMAIN1 * * THIS IS THE MAIN PROGRAM USED TO MODEL THE B-FIELD FOR THE DEFLECTION * * SYSTEM. FOR COMMENTS, SEE PAGE 125 OF SHODHAN'S THESIS. * *******************************************************************************
implicit none
integer NX,NY real*8 X,Y,Z,SUM1 real*8 BX,BY,BZ,B real*8 MAGB(-5:5,-13:4),NORMB(-5:5,-13:4),EXPT(-5:5,-13:4) real*8 MGX(-5:5,-13:4),MGY(-5:5,-13:4),MGZ(-5:5,-13:4) real*8 DIFF(-5:5,-13:4),DUFF(-5:5,-13:4) real DIFF1(-5:5,-13:4),MAGB1(-5:5,-13:4),EXPT1(-5:5,-13:4)
print *,'please wait!'
open(1,file='exttes.dat',access='sequential',status='new') c open(10,file='norm.dat',access='sequential',status='new') open(11,file='error.dat',access='sequential',status='new') c open(12,file='diff.dat',access='sequential',status='new')
do NY = 4,-13,-1 do NX = 5,-5,-1 c print *,NX,NY read(2,*) EXPT(NX,NY) end do end do
Z = -0.1d0 SUM1=0.0D0
do NY = -13,4 do NX = -5,5
X = dfloat(NX) * 0.1d0 Y = dfloat(NY) * 0.1d0
c to find the total fields B = dsqrt(BX*BX + BY*BY + BZ*BZ) c c to store it in the array MAGB(NX,NY) = B
C MGZ(NX,NY) = dabs(BZ) c print *,'bx',BX,' BY: ',BY,' BZ: ',BZ c print *,'MGZ: ',MGZ(NX,NY) end do end do
do NY = -13,4 do NX = -5,5
c find the relative percentage error DIFF(NX,NY)=1.0d0 - (MAGB(NX,NY)/EXPT(NX,NY)) DIFF(NX,NY)=DIFF(NX,NY) * 100.0d0 DUFF(NX,NY)=MAGB(NX,NY)-EXPT(NX,NY) c print *,nx,ny c end do end do
DO NY = -11,4 DO NX = -5,5 SUM1 = SUM1 + ABS(DUFF(NX,NY)) END DO END DO
DO NY = -13,-12 DO NX = -1,1 SUM1 = SUM1 + ABS(DUFF(NX,NY)) END DO END DO c
write (1,10) write (1,15) write (1,*) 'EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF B-FIELD (IN GAUSS)' write (1,*) write (1,70) (nx/10.,nx=5,-5,-1) do NY = 4,-13,-1 c write(1,71) NY/10. write(1,*) write(1,60) (ny/10.,(EXPT(NX,NY),NX=5,-5,-1)) end do
WRITE (1,*) WRITE (1,*)
WRITE (1,*) 'NORMALIZED VALUES OF B-FIELD FROM SIMULATION (IN GAUSS)' write (1,*) write(1,70) (NX/10.,NX=5,-5,-1) do NY = 4,-13,-1 c write(1,71) NY/10. write(1,*) write(1,60) (ny/10.,(MAGB(NX,NY),NX=5,-5,-1)) end do
write(11,10) WRITE(11,15) WRITE(11,*) 'EXPERIMENTAL ERROR: 1.0 - (CALC/EXPT)*(100)' write(11,*) write(11,70) (NX/10.,NX=5,-5,-1) do NY = 4,-13,-1 c write(11,71) NY/10. write(11,*) write(11,60) (ny/10.,(DIFF(NX,NY),NX=5,-5,-1)) end do
WRITE(11,*) WRITE(11,*)
WRITE(11,*) 'DIFFERENCE: (EXPT - CALC)' write(11,*) WRITE(11,70) (NX/10.,NX=5,-5,-1) DO NY = 4,-13,-1 c WRITE(11,71) NY/10. write(11,*) WRITE(11,60) (ny/10.,(DUFF(NX,NY),NX=5,-5,-1)) END DO
C WRITE(12,*) C WRITE(12,*) 'SUM = ',SUM1
do NY = 4,-13,-1 do NX=5,-5,-1 DIFF1(NX,NY)=sngl(DIFF(NX,NY)) EXPT1(NX,NY)=sngl(EXPT(NX,NY)) MAGB1(NX,NY)=sngl(MAGB(NX,NY)) end do end do call WWPLOT(EXPT1,MAGB1)
10 format (' Z = -0.1" PLANE') 15 FORMAT (' TRIAL 4,11') 25 format (' ') 30 format (' calculated values') 35 format (' 1.0 - (calculated/expt.) * 100.0') 40 format (' experimental values') 55 format (' Y:',f4.1,'" ',18(1x,f6.1)) 60 format (' Y:',f4.1,'"',11(1x,f6.1)) 70 format (' X: '11(2x,F3.1,'"',1x)) 71 format (' Y:',F4.1,'"') 75 format (1x,11(3x,i2,2x))
close (1) close (2) CLOSE (10) CLOSE (11) CLOSE (12) stop end
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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane
ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power
supply, and various others provided its instruments.
Mission End Date: June 30, 2009
Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane
Orbit: Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane
Mission End Date: June 30, 2009
Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane
Orbit: Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane