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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Chapter 2: HISCALE Data File Descritions and Overview


Chapter 2.2: Experiment Data Record (continued)


2.2.8 Data Specifications for HISCALE/EPAM Conversion of ARCGEN (continued)


Table 2.15 Description of differences between the HISCALE and EPAM SFDU headers as defined by the Ulysses Software Interface Specification Experiment Data Record


Word Bits HISCALE Description EPAM Description
1 0-3 Label Version Number -
Indicates the version of Standard Formatted Data Unit (SFDU).
0001 = Base Version Code
(same as HISCALE)
1 4-5 Character Set - Indicates the character representation used within this record.
00 = Binary Type
(same as HISCALE)
1 6-7 Unit Structure Type - Globally defines the gross structural characteristics of the data unit.
00 = (constant for ULS)
(same as HISCALE)
1 8-15 Start of Message Pointer - Number of bytes to where Message contents begins.
01111100 = 124
(same as HISCALE)
1 16-21 Control Authority - Institution controlling the contents of the remainder of the data unit.
000101 = NASA-JPL
(Filler Bits)
1 22-26 System Classification - Local system responsible for creating the secondary header.
00010 = Telemetry (DACS)
00011 = DRS
(Filler Bits)
1 27-31 Secondary Header Identifier - Identifies the secondary header type.
00010 = ULS
(Filler Bits)
2 0-15 Message Unit Classification - Total length of this record in bytes.
0001110001111100 = 7292
(same as HISCALE)
2 16-23 Originator ID - Identifies which facility originated the secondary header.
01000010 = DACS
01000011 = DRS
(Filler Bits)
2 24-31 Last Modifier ID - Identifies the system which last modified the record. Same codes as for “Originator ID.”
01000011 = DRS
(Filler Bits)
3 0-7 Major Data Class - Experiment Data Record <=> 00000101. (same as HISCALE)
3 8-15 Minor Data Class - Lanzerotti Experiment <=> 00000110 (Filler Bits)
3 16-31 Spacecraft Event Time - UTC that corresponds to the first valid minor frame in the EDR.  Consists of a 4-byte coarse time (seconds since the beginning of January 1st, 1950, 00:00 a.m.) and a 2-byte fine time (fraction of current second). Spacecraft Event Time - UTC that corresponds to the occurrence of the 8 x major frame pulse - time corresponds to the beginning of the 1st data collection cycle readout.  Byte format is the same as HISCALE.
4 0-31
5 0-31 Earth Received Time - UTC that corresponds to the first valid minor frame in the EDR.  Same byte format as HISCALE "Spacecraft Event Time." (Filler Bits)
6 0-15
6 16-23 Sequence Reference ID - Identifies the data contained in the SFDU to a specific segment of the flight mission sequence. (This field is unused for ULS and is set to binary zeroes.)

Mission Mode Flags - Description of how data was generated for this record.

(Filler Bits)
6 24 Spacecraft Realtime/
Playback Data Flag
- Indicates whether data were downlinked by the spacecraft in realtime or as a result of a tape recorder playback.
0 = Realtime data or N/A
1 = Playback data
(same as HISCALE)
6 25 Real/Simulated Data Flag - Indicates whether data are real or simulated.
0 = Real data
1 = Playback data
(same as HISCALE)
6 26 System Test/MOS Flag - Indicates whether data are test or flight generated.
0 = Test complex generated
1 = Flight (MOS) generated
(same as HISCALE)
6 27 Replay Flag - Indicates if record contains replay data.
0 = Initial acquisition or not applicable
1 = Replay data

Message Contents Quality Status - Indicates gross quality of the data in the secondary and tertiary headers

(Filler Bits)
6 28 Data Quality Flags - Indicates if the data portion of this record is valid or not.
0 = data valid
1 = data suspect, incomplete or invalid
(Filler Bits)
6 29 Spacecraft Clock Flag - Indicates if the spacecraft clock is valid or not.
0 = SCLK is valid
1 = SCLK is missing, incomplete or invalid
(Filler Bits)
6 30 Spacecraft Event Time Flag - Indicates if SCET value is valid or not.
0 = SCET is valid
1 = SCET is missing, incomplete or invalid
Mission ID - Identifies the mission.
MSB = 0
ACE <=> 0001011100
6 31 Earth Received Time Flag - Indicates if ERT value is valid or not.
0 = ERT is valid
1 = ERT is bad or missing
Mission ID - Identifies the mission.
Bit = 0
ACE <=> 0001011100
7 0-7 Mission ID - Identifies the mission.
Byte = 00000011
Ulysses <=> 00000011
Mission ID - Identifies the mission.
Byte = 01011100LSB
ACE <=> 0001011100
7 8-15 Spacecraft ID - Indicates the DSN spacecraft code. (Filler Bits)
7 16-23 Source ID - Indicates the DSN source station. (Filler Bits)
7 24-31 Format - Indicates the specific contents of the data identified by Major and Minor Data Types. (This field is not used for ULS and is set to binary zeroes.) (Filler Bits)
8 0-7 Tertiary Header Identifier - Indicates the type of tertiary header that follows the secondary header.
00000000 = no tertiary header
00000011 = data records system header
00000010 = realtime telemetry processor (DACS)
(same as HISCALE)
00000011 = data records system header used
8 8-15 Number of Data Groups - Number of contiguous data groups identified by and immediately following the SFDU headers. Constant set to binary “1” for ULS. (same as HISCALE)
8 16-31 Appended Data Pointer - Displacement to first bit in the appended (secondary) test from the first bit of this header in bytes. Constant set to “0” for ULS. (same as HISCALE)
9 0-31 Spacecraft Clock - Indicates the current value of the spacecraft clock. The first 32 bits reflect the actual clock value from the spacecraft telemetry, the final 16 bits are fractional portion expressed as a binary integer. Spacecraft Clock - Value of the spacecraft clock at the occurrence of the 8 x Major Frame Pulse - indicates the beginning of the first data format of the first data collection cycle of this record. Byte format same as HISCALE.
10 0-15
10 16-31 Spacecraft Spin Period (PER) (Filler Bits)
11 0-15 Logical Record Sequence Number - Sequential binary count of all logical records by record type written on this tape/file. The count is incremented by one after each successful write. Initially, the number is set to one. (Filler Bits)
11 16-19 Format Identifier - indicates recorded data rate if PB.
0000 Engineering 64 bps
0001 Scientific 128 bps
0010 Scientific 256 bps
0011 Scientific 512 bps
0100 Engineering 1024 bps
0101 Scientific 1024 bps
Format Identifier - indicates recorded data rate if PB.
0001 EPAM Digital Science, H/K, 168 bps
11 20-23 Interleaved PB Format ID

Recorded Creation Data - Actual date this record was written. This value taken from system clock.

(Filler Bits)

(same as HISCALE)

11 24-31 Write Date - Year (year minus 1900)  
12 0-15 Write Date - Day (day of year)  
12 16-31 Bit Error Rate - summation of the number of sync word errors detected in 10E5 bits of frame sync words displayed as a percentage (binary). (Filler Bits)
13 0-15 Symbol Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR) (Filler Bits)
13 16-31 Receiver Automatic Gain Control (AGC) (Filler Bits)
14 0-31 Data Presence Indicators (DPI) Flags - 32 status flags indicating whether minor frames 0-31 are present in this record.
0 = data present
1 = all or part of minor frame missing
(same as HISCALE)
15 0-31 DPI for minor frames 32-63 (same as HISCALE)
16 0-31 DPI for minor frames 64-95  
17 0-31 DPI for minor frames 96-127  
18 0-31 DPI for minor frames 128-159  
19 0-31 DPI for minor frames 160-191  
20 0-31 DPI for minor frames 192-223  
21 0-31 DPI for minor frames 224-255  
22 0-31 GCF Block Error Correction Indicator (ECI) Flags - 32 status flags indicating whether the GCF block from which minor frames 1-32 were derived was received in error. (Filler Bits)
23 0-31 ECI for minor frames 32-63 (Filler Bits)
24 0-31 ECI for minor frames 64-95  
25 0-31 ECI for minor frames 96-127  
26 0-31 ECI for minor frames 128-159  
27 0-31 ECI for minor frames 160-191  
28 0-31 ECI for minor frames 192-223  
29 0-31 ECI for minor frames 224-255  
30 0-31 Spin Phase - Time from last sun crossing of spacecraft x-axis First Spin Start Time - First spin start time of the first data collection cycle of this record, in units of the S/C Clock.
31 0-15
31 16-31 Gaps - Total number of missing minor frames in this record. Equivalent to sum of all Data Presence Indicators that are set = 1 in this record. (same as HISCALE)



Next: Section 2.3 HISCALE Level 1 Files


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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane