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Ulysses HISCALE Publications and Presentations


2000 - Present


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(For publications prior to 2000, click here.)





Malandraki, O. E., R. G. Marsden, D. Lario, C. Tranquille, B. Heber, R. A. Mewaldt, C. M. S. Cohen, L. J. Lanzerotti, R. J. Forsyth, H. A. Elliott, I. I. Vogiatzis, and A. Geranios, Energetic particle observations and propagation in the three-dimensional heliosphere during the December 2006 events, Astrophys. J., 704, 469, 2009. Abstract, with link to full article.





Lario, D., R. B. Decker, O. E. Malandraki, and L. J. Lanzerotti, Influence of large-scale interplanetary structures on energetic particle propagation: September 2004 event at Ulysses and ACE, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A03105, doi:10.1029/2007JA012721, 2008. Abstract, with link to full article.





Lario, D., and E. C. Roelof, Energetic Particles During the First and Third Ulysses Southern High-Latitude Excursions: Probing Global CIR Structure Beyond 5 AU, J. Geophys. Res., 112, A09107, doi:10.1029/2007JA012414, 2007. Abstract, with link to full article.


Malandraki, O. E., R. G. Marsden, C. Tranquille, R. J. Forsyth, H. A. Elliott, and L. J. Lanzerotti, Energetic Particle Observations by Ulysses During the Declining Phase of Solar Cycle 23, J. Geophys. Res., 112, A06111, doi:10.1029/2006JA011876, 2007. Abstract, with link to full article.


Neugebauer, M., G. Gloeckler, J. T. Gosling, A. Rees, R. Skoug, B. E. Goldstein, T. P. Armstrong, M. R. Combi, T. Makinen, D. J. McComas, R. von Steiger, T. H. Zurbuchen, E. J. Smith, J. Geiss, and L. J. Lanzerotti, Encounter of the Ulysses Spacecraft with the Ion Tail of Comet McNaught, Astrophys. J., 667, 1262, 2007. Abstract, with link to full article.


Thomson, D. J., L. J. Lanzerotti, F. L. Vernon III, M. R. Lessard, and L. T. P. Smith, Solar Modal Structure of the Engineering Environment, Proc. IEEE, 95, 1085, doi:10.1109/JPROC.2007.894712, 2007. Abstract, with link to full article.





Cane, H. V., and D. Lario, An Introduction to CMEs and Energetic Particles, Space Science Reviews, 123, 45, doi:10.1007/s11214-006-9011-3, 2006. Abstract, with link to full article.


Gazis, P. R., A. Balogh, S. Dalla, R. B. Decker, B. Heber, T. Horbury, A. Kilchenmann, J. Kota, H. Kucharek, H. Kunow, D. Lario, M. S. Potgieter, J. D. Richardson, P. Riley, L. Rodriguez, G. Siscoe, and R. von Steiger, ICMEs at High Latitudes and in the Outer Heliosphere, Space Science Reviews, 123, 417, doi:10.1007/s11214-006-9018-9, 2006. Abstract, with link to full article.


Klecker, B., H. Kunor, H. V. Cane, S. Dalla, B. Heber, K. Kecskemety, K.-L. Klein, J. Kota, H. Kucharek, D. Lario, M. A. Lee, A. Popecki, A. Posner, J. Rodriguez-Pacheco, T. R. Sanderson, G. M. Simnett, and E. C. Roelof, Energetic Particle Observations, Report of Working Group C, Space Science Reviews, 123, 217, doi:10.1007/s11214-006-9018-9, 2006. Abstract, with link to full article.





Lario, D., R. B. Decker, S. Livi, S. M. Krimigis, E. C. Roelof, C. T. Russell, and C. D. Fry, Heliospheric Energetic Particle Observations During the October-November 2003 Events, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A09S11, DOI: 10.1029/2004JA010940, 2005. Abstract, with link to full article.


Malandraki, O. E., D. Lario, L. J. Lanzerotti, E. T. Sarris, A. Geranios, and G. R Tsiropoula, October/November 2003 ICMEs: ACE/EPAM Solar Energetic Particle Observations, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A09S06, DOI: 10.1029/2004JA010926, 2005. Abstract, with link to full article.


Tylka, A. J., C. M. S. Cohen, W. F. Dietrich, M. A. Lee, C. G. Maclennan, R. A. Mewaldt, C. K. Ng, and D. V. Reames, Shock Geometry, Seed Populations, and the Origin of Variable Elemental Composition at High Energies in Large Gradual Solar Particle Events, Astrophys. J., 625, 474, 2005. Abstract, with link to full article.





Dmitruk, P., W. H. Matthaeus, and L. J. Lanzerotti, Discrete Modes and Turbulence in a Wave-Driven Strongly Magnetized Plasma, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L21805, doi: 10.1029/2004GL021119, 2004. Abstract, with link to full article.


Karanikola, I., M. Athanasiou, G. C. Anagnostopoulos, G. P. Pavlos, and P. Preka-Papadema, Quasi-Periodic Emissions (15-80 min) from the Poles of Jupiter as a Principal Source of the Large-Scale High-Latitude Magnetopause Boundary Layer of Energetic Particles, Planet. Space Sci., 52, 543, 2004. Abstract, with link to full article.


Lario, D., R. B. Decker, E. C. Roelof, D. B. Reisenfeld, and T. R. Sanderson, Low-Energy Particle Response to CMEs During the Ulysses Solar Maximum Northern Polar Passage, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A01107, DOI: 10.1029/2003JA010071, 2004. Abstract, with link to full article.


Maia, D., and M. Pick, Revisiting the Origin of Impulsive Electron Events: Coronal Magnetic Restructuring, Astrophys. J., 609, 1082, 2004. Abstract, with link to full article.


Marhavilas, P. K., G. C. Anagnostopoulos, and E. T. Sarris, On a Systematic Spectral Variation of Energetic Ions in the Jovian Outer Magnetosphere: HI-SCALE/Ulysses Observations, Planet. Space Sci., 52, 561, 2004. Abstract, with link to full article.


Pavlos, G. P., M. A. Athanasiu, G. C. Anagnostopoulos, A. G. Rigas, and E. T. Sarris, Evidence for Chaotic Dynamics in the Jovian Magnetosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 52, 513, 2004. Abstract, with link to full article.





Heinen, O., L. J. Lanzerotti, B. Heber, H. Kunow, and D. J. Thomson, Role of Low Frequency Modes in Organizing the Inner Heliosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 108 (A3), 1107, doi:10.1029/2001JA000058, 2003.Abstract, with link to full article.


Lario, D., E. C. Roelof, R. B. Decker, G. C. Ho, C. G. Maclennan, and J. T. Gosling, Solar Cycle Variations of the Energetic H/He Intensity Ratio at High Heliolatitudes and in the Ecliptic Plane, Annales Geophysicae(special issue, Ulysses and Beyond), 21, 1229, 2003. Full article on journal website.


Lario, D., E. C. Roelof, R. B. Decker, and D. B. Reisenfeld, Solar Maximum Low-Energy Particle Observations at Heliographic Latitudes Above 75 Degrees, Adv. Space Res., 32, 579, 2003. Abstract, with link to full article.


Lario, D., E. C. Roelof, R. B. Decker, G. C. Ho, C. G. Maclennan, and J. T. Gosling, Energetic H/He Intensity Ratio Under Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum Conditions: Ulysses Observations, Adv. Space Res., 32, 585, 2003. Abstract, with link to full article.


Malandraki, O. E., E. T. Sarris, and G. Tsiropoula, Magnetic Topology of Coronal Mass Ejection Events Out of the Ecliptic: Ulysses/HI-SCALE Energetic Particle Observations, Annales Geophysicae (special issue, Ulysses and Beyond, 21, 1249, 2003. Full article on journal website.


Maclennan, C. G., and L. J. Lanzerotti, Low Energy Charged Particles in the High Latitude Heliosphere: Comparing Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 8033, 2003. DOI: 10.1029/2003GL017080. Abstract, with link to full article.


Patterson, J. D., and T. P. Armstrong, Steady-State Event-Excluded Proton Spectra at Solar Minimum at all Heliolatitudes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (19), 8037, doi:10.1029/2003GL017154, 2003. Abstract, with link to full article.


Sarris, E. T., and Olga E. Malandraki, Dependence of the Decay Phase of Solar Energetic Electron Events on the Large-Scale IMF Structure: ACE Observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (21), 2079, doi: 10.1029/2003GL017921, 2003. Abstract, with link to full article.





Anagnostopoulos, G. C., and I. Karanikola, Energetic Ions Observed by Ulysses in the Jovian Magnetosheath, Planet. Space Sci., 50, 637, 2002. Abstract, with link to full article.


Malandraki, O. E., E. T. Sarris, L. J. Lanzerotti, P. Trochoutsos, G. Tsiropoula, and M. Pick, Solar Energetic Particles Inside a Coronal Mass Ejection Event Observed with the ACE Spacecraft, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 64, 517, 2002. Abstract, with link to full article.


Marhavilas, P., G. C. Anagnostopoulos, and E. T. Sarris, Observations of Shock Acceleration Signatures by Ulysses: The 04:08:16, Day 147, 1991 UT Shock, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 64, 527, 2002. Abstract, with link to full article.





Anagnostopoulos, G. C., I. Karanikola, and P. K. Marhavilas, Large Scale Energetic Particle Sheets in the High Latitude Jovian Magnetosphere, Planet. Space Sci., 49, 1049, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Anagnostopoulos, G. C., A. Aggelis, I. Karanikola, and P. Marhavilas, Energetic Ion (<~50 keV) and Electron (>~40 keV) Bursts Observed by Ulysses Near Jupiter, Adv. Space Res., 28, 903, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Hawkins, S. E. III, E. C. Roelof, R. B Decker, G. C. Ho, and D. Lario, Comparison of ~>40 keV Electron Events at High and Low Heliolatitudes: Ulysses/Hi-Scale and ACE/EPAM, Space Science Reviews, 97, 269, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Hawkins, S. E. III, R. E. Gold, M. Pick, and D. Maia, Origins of Anisotropic 40-300 keV Electron Events Observed at Low and High Latitudes, Space Science Reviews, 97, 285, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Lanzerotti, L. J., S. M. Krimigis, R.B. Decker, S. E. Hawkins III, R. E. Gold, E. C. Roelof, and T. P. Armstrong, Low Energy Particles in the Global Heliosphere 2001-2004: 1 to 90 AU, Space Science Reviews, 97, 243, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Lario, D., E. C. Roelof, R. J. Forsyth, and J. T. Gosling, 26-Day Analysis of Energetic Ion Observations at High and Low Heliolatitudes: Ulysses and ACE, Space Science Reviews, 97, 243, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Lario, D., D. K. Haggerty, E. C. Roelof, S. J. Tappin, R. J. Forsyth, and J. T. Gosling, Joint Ulysses and ACE Observations of a Magnetic Cloud and the Associated Solar Energetic Particle Event, Space Science Reviews, 97, 277, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Maclennan, C. G., L. J. Lanzerotti, and R. E. Gold, Oxygen and Iron Ions at High Heliolatitudes, Space Science Reviews, 97, 281, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Malandraki, O. E., E. T. Sarris, L.J. Lanzerotti, C. G. Maclennan, M. Pick, and G. Tsiropoula, Tracing the Magnetic Topology of Coronal Mass Ejection Events by Ulysses/HI-Scale Energetic Particle Observations In and Out of the Ecliptic, Space Science Reviews, 97, 263, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Marhavilas, P., and G. C. Anagnostopoulos, Periodic Signals in Ulysses' Energetic Particle Events Upstream and Downstream from the Jovian Bow Shock, Planet. Space Sci., 49, 1031, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Pick, M., D. Maia, and S. E. Hawkins III, Solar Origin of Anisotropic Electron Events Observed by Ulysses and ACE, Space Science Reviews, 97, 273, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Simnett, G. M., Energetic Particle Characteristics in the High-Latitude Heliosphere Near Solar Maximum, Space Science Reviews, 97, 231, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Tappin, S. J., G. M. Simnett, and M. A. Lyons, Observations of the Acceleration of Polar Solar Wind Near Solar Maximum, Space Science Reviews, 97, 17, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.


Thomson, D. J., L. J. Lanzerotti, and C. G. Maclennan, Interplanetary Magnetic Field: Statistical Properties and Discrete Modes, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15941, 2001. Abstract, with link to full article.





Desai, M. I., and G. M. Simnett, Comment on "Bulk Flows of Hot Plasma in the Jovian Magnetosphere: A Model of Anisotropic Fluxes of Energetic Ions by S. E. Hawkins II, A. F. Cheng, and L. J. Lanzerotti," J. Geophys. Res., 105, 10771, 2000. Abstract, with link to full article.


Lanzerotti, L. J., and C. G. Maclennan, Low-Energy Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Ecliptic Plane: 1-5 AU, Astrophys. J. Lett., 534, 109, 2000. Abstract, with link to full article.


Malandraki, O., E. T. Sarris, and P. Trochoutsos, Probing the Magnetic Topology of Coronal Mass Ejections by Means of Ulysses/HI-SCALE Energetic Particle Observations, Annales Geophysicae, 18, 129, 2000.Abstract, with link to full article.


Malandraki, O., E. T. Sarris, Gr. Kasotakis, and N. Sidiropoulos, Study of CME Structure and Evolution Deduced from Ulysses/HISCALE Energetic Particle Observations, Adv. Space Res., 26, 875, 2000. Abstract, with link to full article.



More publications (prior to 2000)



Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane