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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 11. HISCALE IDL Display System (IDL_HS)


A11.2 Part Two - Reference (continued)


A11.2.3 Common Blocks (continued)


Blocks for MOVIE


This group of blocks is used by the MOVIE and SINGLE_FRAME procedures.




common b_movie, magfield


magfield float array(?,4) Magnetic field for use in MOVIE.




common movie_colour, mred, mgreen, mblue, m_col_table


mred byte array(256) Red intensities
mgreen byte array(256) Green intensities
mblue byte array(256) Blue intensities
m_col_table integer scalar Number of colour table used.


This block contains the ``pseudo colour table'' used by the movie program.




common movie_energy, chanf, chanm, elo_8, ehi_8, elo_4, ehi_4


chanf float array(2) LEFS channel indices
chanm float array(2) LEMS channel indices
elo_8 float array 8 sector energy lower limits
ehi_8 float array 8 sector energy upper limits
elo_4 float array 4 sector energy lower limits
ehi_4 float array 4 sector energy upper limits


This block is really of internal interest only, it just saves duplicating some calculations within movie; it is not included in access or save_all.




common movie_set, mchan, mnchan, foil, deflect, mtitle, delay, mscale, $
electrons, trace, fill_electrons, pitch_c, m_log, t_log, $


mchan string scalar The name of the channel for the movie.
mnchan integer array(2) The channel number range for the above.
foil float scalar The ion correction factor for the LEFS detectors.
deflect float scalar The electron correction factor for the LEMS detectors.
mtitle string scalar A description of the channels being displayed.
delay float scalar The delay in seconds between frames.
mscale float scalar The upper limit of the anisotropy parameter for MOVIE.
electrons integer scalar Whether plotting ions or electrons.
trace integer scalar Whether to plot a trace time-series below the movie.
fill_electrons integer scalar Whether to fill in the missing LEMS120 electrons.
pitch_c integer scalar Whether to plot pitch angle contours on all frames.
m_log integer scalar Whether to plot linear or logarithm colour map.
t_log integer scalar Whether to plot linear or logarithmic trace time-series.
mov_index float scalar The spectral index to use for bandpass corrections.


The material in this block relates to the settings specific to the movie program.




common mov_trace, mtimes


mtimes float array(2,?) times array scaled to allow movement of "cursor''.


Internal common block for movie trace plots, so that the cursor is properly scaled when the time range is in days.




common m_animate, image, correction, old_time, curr_time, $
year, day, ily, step_dirn, idrew, old_trace_time


image int scalar The number of the current image.
correction float array The combined correction factors for each head.
old_time string scalar The time of the previous image.
curr_time string scalar The time of the current image.
year int scalar The year of the plot start.
day int scalar The day of the plot start.
ily int scalar The length of the current year.
step_dirn integer scalar Direction of motion.
idrew int scalar Last image drawn.
old_trace_time float scalar time of above.


These values are numbers that need to be passed between the animate routine and the animation set-up routine.




common m_pl_tfm, p_trace, x_trace, y_trace, p_image, x_image, y_image


p_trace structure scalar !P for trace plot.
x_trace structure scalar !X for trace plot.
y_trace structure scalar !Y for trace plot.
p_image structure scalar !P for image plot.
x_image structure scalar !X for image plot.
y_image structure scalar !Y for image plot.


This common block simply serves to hold the plotting system variables to allow the switching between the image frame and the trace frame when displaying a movie with trace.



Next: Blocks for PLOT_SPECT


Return to Appendix 11 Table of Contents

Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane