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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 11. HISCALE IDL Display System (IDL_HS)


A11.2 Part Two - Reference (continued)


A11.2.3 Common Blocks (continued)


Blocks for PLOT_SPECT


These common blocks are used only by PLOT_SPECT.




common energy_label, ener_lbl_f, ener_lbl_m, ener_lbl_w


ener_lbl_f string array(7,2) Labels for the LEFS channels in the ascii file.
ener_lbl_m string array(8,2) Labels for the LEMS channels in the ascii file.
ener_lbl_w string array(2,2) Labels for the WART channels in the acsii file.


N.B. For electron spectra the f and m labels have dimension (4,2) and for MFSA spectra (32,2).




common energy_mfsa, esfp, esfp_lo, esfp_hi, geo_sfp, $
esf, esf_lo, esf_hi, geo_sf, $
esmp, esmp_lo, esmp_hi, geo_smp, $
esm, esm_lo, esm_hi, geo_sm


esfp float array(32) Central energy of F' (LEFS60) MFSA spectrum bands.
esfp_lo float array(32) Lower energy of F' (LEFS60) MFSA spectrum bands.
esfp_hi float array(32) Upper energy of F' (LEFS60) MFSA spectrum bands.
geo_sfp float array(32) Geometry factor of F' (LEFS60) MFSA spectrum bands.
esf float array(32) Central energy of F (LEFS150) MFSA spectrum bands.
esf_lo float array(32) Lower energy of F (LEFS150) MFSA spectrum bands.
esf_hi float array(32) Upper energy of F (LEFS150) MFSA spectrum bands.
geo_sf float array(32) Geometry factor of F (LEFS150) MFSA spectrum bands.
esmp float array(32) Central energy of M' (LEMS120) MFSA spectrum bands.
esmp_lo float array(32) Lower energy of M' (LEMS120) MFSA spectrum bands.
esmp_hi float array(32) Upper energy of M' (LEMS120) MFSA spectrum bands.
geo_smp float array(32) Geometry factor of M' (LEMS120) MFSA spectrum bands.
esm float array(32) Central energy of M (LEMS30) MFSA spectrum bands.
esm_lo float array(32) Lower energy of M (LEMS30) MFSA spectrum bands.
esm_hi float array(32) Upper energy of M (LEMS30) MFSA spectrum bands.
geo_sm float array(32) Geometry factor of M (LEMS30) MFSA spectrum bands.




common err_info, std_dev


std_dev float array(8,4) The standard deviations of the fluxes for spectra.




common need_sav, flux_s, ener_slo, ener_shi, ener_s, err_slo, err_shi


flux_s float array Flux of channels for spectrum.
ener_slo float array(8,4) Lower energies of channels for spectrum.
ener_shi float array(8,4) Upper energies of channels for spectrum.
ener_s float array(8,4) Energies of channels for spectrum.
err_slo float array Lower limit of fluxes for spectrum.
err_shi float array Upper limit of fluxes for spectrum.




common spc_title, subt


subt string array(4) The titles for the individual spectral plots.




common spec_flags, spc_replot_ok, sp_bg_flag, sp_diff_flag, sp_dnorm_flag


spc_replot_ok integer scalar Is it O.K. to replot spectrum without re-reading?
sp_bg_flag int scalar Have backgrounds been subtracted from this spectrum?
sp_diff_flag int scalar Is this a sector-difference spectrum?
sp_dnorm_flag int scalar Are difference spectra to be normalized?




common spec_settings, flux_count, spec_scale, asc_dump, sp_merge, sp_head, $
sp_32_8, sp_all_32, sp_mask, sp_electrons, $
wart_over, sp_xlevel, sp_dsects, sp_join


flux_count integer scalar Plot flux or count-rate spectrum.
spec_scale integer scalar Type of plot scaling in use for spectra.
asc_dump integer scalar Whether to produce an ascii dump of spectra.
sp_merge integer scalar Whether to plot all sectors or average.
sp_head integer scalar Which detector (or all) to plot.
sp_32_8 integer scalar Whether to plot rate spectra or MFSA spectra.
sp_all_32 integer scalar Whether to plot all 32 channels in MFSA spectra.
sp_mask integer array(4,2) The ranges to plot in MFSA spectra.
sp_electrons integer scalar Whether to plot electron-only spectra.
wart_over integer scalar Whether to overlay W1,2 on spectra.
sp_xlevel integer scalar Level in P-channel number to remove sectors 1,4 from LEMS30 sectored spectra.
sp_dsects int Array Sectors used in difference spectra.
sp_join int scalar spectrum point joining option.




common s_axis_limits, s_rlow, s_rhigh, s_elow, s_ehigh


s_rlow float scalar Lower limit of spectral flux axis.
s_rhigh float scalar Upper limit of spectral flux axis.
s_elow float scalar Lower limit of spectral energy axis.
s_ehigh float scalar Upper limit of spectral energy axis.


These limits are used only when manual scaling is in force.




common s_data_arrays, s_counts, s_accum_time, s_accum_count, s_ndata


s_counts float array The counts or rates to be used in the spectrum.
s_accum_time float array(8,4) Accumulation times for each channel, per spin group.
s_accum_count float array(8,4) The accumulated counts for the spectrum
s_ndata long scalar The maximum index used in s_counts.


N.B. Dimensions may change according to settings.



Next: Blocks for PLOT_PAD


Return to Appendix 11 Table of Contents

Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane