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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 11. HISCALE IDL Display System (IDL_HS)


A11.2 Part Two - Reference (continued)


A11.2.4 Structure Tags


This appendix contains the definition of the LAN and CDF structures in IDL.

To create a structure of the required format use (say)

new_struct = {ula_phar}



ULA Structures




This contains the record header common to all ULA records with new format (40~byte SFDU0 field).


ULA_RH_40 = {ula_rh_32, $ ; Name of structure
sfdu0: bytarr(40), $ ; Standard format data unit block
rectyp: bytarr(4), $ ; Record descriptor (Char values)
reclen: 0l, $ ; Record length
history: bytarr(16,10),$ ; History record (have to fix length)
lrec: 0l, $ ; Logical record interval
ibrate: 0l, $ ; Bit rate
sfdu: lonarr(32,2), $ ; Standard format data unit block
time: fltarr(8,2), $ ; Times
sptime: fltarr(5,10), $ ; Spin group time
fmtime: fltarr(5,4), $ ; S/C Format time
preamb: lonarr(6,4), $ ; Preamble status block
trail: lonarr(18,2), $ ; Trailer status block
ahk: fltarr(7,4), $ ; Analogue housekeeping block
dhk: lonarr(4,4), $ ; Digital Housekeeping block
sound: lonarr(4), $ ; STO sounder on/off
bfield: fltarr(4,3,10), $ ; Magnetic Field Block
ephem: fltarr(3,3,2), $ ; Ephemeris Block
edate: fltarr(5), $ ; Ephemeris date
axis: fltarr(2,2,2), $ ; Orientation
trans: fltarr(3,3,3), $ ; Transformation block
index: lonarr(2), $ ; Record index block
nrecord: 1l, $ ; Number of physical records in this 
; logical record.
rindex: 1l, $ ; Index of this physical record
hspare: lonarr(18)} ; Spare




The record header for records with the old format (32~byte SFDU0 field).


ULA_RH_32 = {ula_rh_32, $ ; Name of structure
sfdu0: bytarr(32), $ ; Standard format data unit block
rectyp: bytarr(4), $ ; Record descriptor (Char values)
reclen: 0l, $ ; Record length
history: bytarr(16,10),$ ; History record (have to fix length)
lrec: 0l, $ ; Logical record interval
ibrate: 0l, $ ; Bit rate
sfdu: lonarr(32,2), $ ; Standard format data unit block
time: fltarr(8,2), $ ; Times
sptime: fltarr(5,10), $ ; Spin group time
fmtime: fltarr(5,4), $ ; S/C Format time
preamb: lonarr(6,4), $ ; Preamble status block
trail: lonarr(18,2), $ ; Trailer status block
ahk: fltarr(7,4), $ ; Analogue housekeeping block
dhk: lonarr(4,4), $ ; Digital Housekeeping block
sound: lonarr(4), $ ; STO sounder on/off
bfield: fltarr(4,3,10), $ ; Magnetic Field Block
ephem: fltarr(3,3,2), $ ; Ephemeris Block
edate: fltarr(5), $ ; Ephemeris date
axis: fltarr(2,2,2), $ ; Orientation
trans: fltarr(3,3,3), $ ; Transformation block
index: lonarr(2), $ ; Record index block
nrecord: 1l, $ ; Number of physical records in this
; logical record.
rindex: 1l, $ ; Index of this physical record
hspare: lonarr(20)} ; Spare




The ULA rate block.


ULA_RB = {ula_rb, $ ; Name of structure
pa: fltarr(8,3,10), $ ; Pitch angle (0-180)
pb: fltarr(4,3,10), $ ; Pitch angle (0-180)
rtheta8: fltarr(8,3,2), $ ; Polar angle (RTN) 0-180
rtheta4: fltarr(4,3,2), $ ; Polar angle (RTN) 0-180
rphi8: fltarr(8,3,2), $ ; Azimuth angle (RTN) (0-360)
rphi4: fltarr(4,3,2), $ ; Azimuth angle (RTN) (0-360)
r8: fltarr(8,27,10), $ ; Rates sectored by 8.
r4: fltarr(4,19,10), $ ; Rates sectored by 4.
rs: fltarr(54,10), $ ; Spin averaged rates
gg: fltarr(31,10), $ ; Spin average spectral components
fs: fltarr(46,10), $ ; Spin averaged fluxes.
fo: fltarr(12,10), $ ; Omni-averaged fluxes
rx: fltarr(4,10), $ ; Spin averaged X-ray rates.
t8: fltarr(8,10), $ ; Sector timing block (8 sector)
t4: fltarr(4,10), $ ; Sector timing block (4 sector)
ts: fltarr(10), $ ; Sector timing block (Spin averaged)
fa8: fltarr(8,27), $ ; Duty cycle: 8 sector
fa4: fltarr(4,19), $ ; Duty cycle: 4-sector
fas: fltarr(54), $ ; Duty cycle: spin averaged
fag: fltarr(26), $ ; Duty cycle: derived spectral comps
fafs: fltarr(46), $ ; Duty cycle: derived spin av fluxes
fafo: fltarr(12), $ ; Duty cycle: derived omni fluxes
rspare: lonarr(306)} ; Spares




The M & F Spectral Analyzer block.


ULA_MFSA = {ula_mfsa, $ ; Name of structure
r8: fltarr(8,27,2), $ ; Count rates sectored by 8
r4: fltarr(4,19,2), $ ; Count rates sectored by 4
single: fltarr(5,2), $ ; Unsectored rates.
ts8: fltarr(8,27,2), $ ; Accumulation times - 8 sector
ts4: fltarr(4,19,2), $ ; Accumulation times - 4 sector
tss: fltarr(5,2), $ ; Accumulation times - unsectored
smp: fltarr(8,32), $ ; 8 sector spectra from M'
sfp: fltarr(8,32,2), $ ; 8 sector spectra from F' - 2x/schedule
sf: fltarr(4,32), $ ; 4 sector spectra from F - ? sequence
sm: fltarr(4,32), $ ; 4 sector spectra from M - ? sequence
tmp: fltarr(8), $ ; accu times/sector M'
tfp: fltarr(8,2), $ ; accu times/sector F'
tm: fltarr(4), $ ; accu times/sector M
tf: fltarr(4), $ ; accu times/sector F
mspare: lonarr(316) ; Spare




The Pulse Height Analyzer Block.


ULA_PHAR = {ula_phar, $ ; Name of structure
wart: fltarr(8,14), $ ; Rates of WART channels.
t8: fltarr(8), $ ; Sector timing block
fa8: fltarr(8,14), $ ; Duty cycle
nevent: 0l, $ ; Number of events present
nzero: 0l, $ ; No. of zero events omitted
ievent: lonarr(2,1024)} ; Digitized events




The track rates block produced by PHAGEN.


TRK_PTRK = {trk_ptrk, $ ; Name of structure.
sector_species: fltarr(5,9,13,3), $ ; Sectored species (H, He3,4)
species: fltarr(5,13,9), $ ; Unsectored species
chan_events: lonarr(9,9), $ ; Channel PHA events.
chan_counts: fltarr(9,9), $ ; Rate channels.
undef_events: lonarr(9,9)} ; Undefined events.




The summed pulse record block produced by PHAGEN.


PHA_PSUM = {pha_psum, $ ; Name of structure
times: fltarr(8), $ ; Timing info
pulses: fltarr(256,256), $ ; The actual pulses.
present: bytarr(16)} ; Tells if the block is complete


N.B. The field present is not contained in the data file, but is set by ULA_STRUCT to indicate which of the 16 physical records have been read into the present structure.




The summed spectral record block produced by PHAGEN.


MFS_MFSS = {mfs_mfss, $ ; Name of structure
spec_totals: fltarr(2,8,32,4), $ ; The spectra
det_counts: fltarr(2,8,8,4)} ; Rates counts



Next: CDF Structures


Return to Appendix 11 Table of Contents

Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane