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Ulysses HISCALE Data Analysis Handbook


Appendix 18. Preliminary Solar Polar Magnet Study


A18.5 Addenda (continued)


Table A18-11 Flight Magnets - LAN. Date: 15 April 1982.

Yoke: 2A, SN-02; X: variable; Y: +0.1"; Z: variable; magnets: SN-09, 10


-0.40 5.7 7.9 9.8 11.8 12.9 13.2 12.6 11.4 9.5 7.4 5.2
-0.30 8.6 12.4 16.0 19.4 21.1 21.6 20.6 18.5 15.4 11.6 7.8
-0.20 13.3 20.2 26.5 31.9 34.8 35.2 33.9 30.2 25.4 18.9 11.9
-0.10 21.7 34.0 44.2 53.0 57.2 58.6 56.1 50.9 42.6 31.8 19.0
0.00 39.9 60.2 75.2 88.8 94.8 96.0 93.0 85.0 72.9 56.1 34.8
+0.10 79.9 105 125 144 152 155 150 139 121 99.2 72.9
+0.20 140 175 204 231 243 246 239 223 199 168 132
+0.30 224 277 319 358 376 380 370 348 312 267 215
+0.40 339 420 488 548 572 581 569 535 482 412 329
+0.50 490 624 729 819 859 868 850 809 730 620 485
+0.60 682 887 1030 1150 1210 1220 1200 1150 1050 900 689
+0.70 890 1160 1380 1520 1590 1610 1590 1530 1410 1200 909
+0.80 1060 1430 1700 1860 1930 1950 1940 1870 1740 1490 1090
+0.90 1150 1590 1890 2050 2110 2140 2130 2080 1950 1670 1190
+0.92 1155 1600 1900 2060 2125 2150 2140 2090 1960 1690 1200
+1.00 1060 1500 1800 1930 2000 2025 2020 1990 1875 1610 1120
+1.10 792 1090 1310 1400 1450 1470 1460 1430 1340 1140 800
+1.20 450 600 725 775 810 819 805 713 692 580 421
+1.30           348          
+1.40           102          
+1.50           27          
+1.60           8.7          
+1.70           2.9          

Table A18-12 Flight Magnets - LAN. Date: 16 April 1982.

Yoke: 2B, SN-02; X: variable; Y: -0.2"; Z: variable; magnets: SN-07, 08


+0.50 510   740   815   790   660   408
+0.70 1130   1670   1760   1700   1470   825
+0.90 1770   2620   2660 2640 2580   2350   1140
+1.00 1910   2870   2880 2850 2910   2620   1110
+1.10 1010   1540   1580   1610   1550   700
+1.20 334   488   522   530   498   295




Table A18-13 Flight Magnets - LAN. Date: 15 April 1982.

Yoke: 2B, SN-02; X: variable; Y: -0.1"; Z: variable; magnets: SN-07, 08


-0.40 7.0 9.5 11.7 13.9 14.9 15.1 14.5 13.0 10.8 8.4 5.9
-0.30 10.6 15.0 19.0 22.4 24.2 24.5 23.4 21.0 17.4 13.1 8.9
-0.20 16.7 24.4 30.9 36.2 39.1 39.8 38.0 34.0 28.4 21.3 13.6
-0.10 27.5 40.2 51.0 59.9 64.0 70.0 62.0 56.0 47.0 35.0 21.9
0.00 49.0 69.6 85.5 97.6 103 104 100 92.0 79.0 61.1 39.1
+0.10 91.1 116 139 156 165 166 161 149 129 104 77.2
+0.20 155 192 224 248 260 262 254 235 208 174 135
+0.30 247 300 345 381 400 401 389 360 320 272 216
+0.40 371 460 530 580 605 609 590 550 489 410 321
+0.50 550 682 791 864 896 897 870 812 722 600 461
+0.60 770 970 1110 1210 1250 1250 1210 1140 1010 842 635
+0.70 1000 1290 1490 1600 1650 1650 1600 1500 1340 1100 818
+0.80 1210 1570 1810 1950 1990 1990 1940 1830 1640 1340 960
+0.90 1330 1760 2010 2140 2180 2175 2140 2020 1830 1480 1020
+0.90* 1335 1770 2020 2150 2190 2190 2145 2040 1840 1490 1025
+1.00 1250 1670 1910 2020 2050 2050 2020 1940 1750 1410 956
+1.10 892 1190 1350 1440 1470 1480 1460 1400 1270 1040 718
+1.20 477 630 719 765 800 812 800 760 681 560 400
+1.30           340          
+1.40           97.1          
+1.50           27.3          
+1.60           10.0          
+1.70           3.9          







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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: ESA provided the Ulysses spacecraft, NASA provided the power supply, and various others provided its instruments.

Mission End Date: June 30, 2009

Destination: The inner heliosphere of the sun away from the ecliptic plane

Orbit:  Elliptical orbit transversing the polar regions of the sun outside of the ecliptic plane